Brofsky & Woeltz, P.C. Massachusetts lawyers practicing in the areas of drunk driving defense,OUI, drug possession and distribution, domestic violence, sexual assault, violation of a restraining order/209A order, motor vehicle homicide, motor vehicle offenses, larency
Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyers
About Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorneys, B & W
Criminal Defense Attorney Profiles
Areas of Practice, Drunk Driving Defense, OUI, Drug Possession, Larceny
Courts Brofsky and Woeltz Practice In
Directions to Brofsky & Woeltz
Contact Brofsky & Woeltz, Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorneys

Directions to the Westwood, MA office of Brofsky & Woeltz, P.C., MA Criminal Defense Attorneys

We are conveniently located at 551 High Street, Westwood, Massachusetts.  High Street is Route 109 in Westwood.  Plenty of free parking is available.

        Take exit 16B off of Route 95/128.  Follow High Street/109 for 1.5 miles into the town of Westwood.  Our office is located on the third floor after entry on the side of the building.

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